In a previous post covering the use of Angular.JS on an ASP.NET (or better, DotNetNuke) web app, a was wondering how to solve the problem of localize the js content.
In fact I discovered pretty soon that many strings of the presentation layer were specified inside the js file, defining the angular app, controller, directive,....
So my first thought was to create a specific handler in order to generate the javascript at runtime so that I would have the capability to use the native localization management of ASP.NET or DotNetNuke.
IMHO the handler would have as many cons than pro, or even worst; for example, every js file would have been addressed by the unique handler, breaking the easy file organization of each DNN module or ascx control, ...: much work for a small problem.
So I passed to another approach:
why not concentrate all the strings to localize in a js object inside the ascx file?
the Angular.JS app (controller/directive,...) would be kept in a separate pure js file, with the capability to access the variable once on the client's browser.
The solution is composed by:
1) a method to run on load, in a base class of the module (or User control), with a couple of properties override-able in the specialized module class.
protected void LoadResourcesToJavascript()
if (this.ResourceKeysToJavascript.Count() > 0)
System.Text.StringBuilder sb = new System.Text.StringBuilder();
sb.Append("var " + this.ResourceJSVariableName + " = {};\n");
foreach (String s in this.ResourceKeysToJavascript)
sb.Append(this.ResourceJSVariableName + "." + s + "= '" + Localization.GetString(s + ".Text", LocalResourceFile) + "';\n");
Page.ClientScript.RegisterClientScriptBlock(this.GetType(), this.ResourceJSVariableName + "Resources", sb.ToString(), true);
protected virtual List ResourceKeysToJavascript
return new List();
protected virtual String ResourceJSVariableName
return this.ID;
Note: I use the DNN method to get the localized string. Change it in case of standard ASP.NET project.
Note: The javascript variable name is the control's ID, but it can be specialized in the inherited module class.
2) in the inherited module / user control specialize the ResourceKeyToJavascript list with the resource string required in the javascript.
protected override List ResourceKeysToJavascript
return new List() {
3) in javascrpit file use the variable name (ASP.NET control's ID) to access the single resource strings:
var str = CrewMemberCollectionV2View.ConfirmRemoving;
if (confirm(str.replace("{sailingName}", entity.SailingName))) {
//do something
4) last but not least, use the standard resx files to add the required resource strings.
In fact I discovered pretty soon that many strings of the presentation layer were specified inside the js file, defining the angular app, controller, directive,....
So my first thought was to create a specific handler in order to generate the javascript at runtime so that I would have the capability to use the native localization management of ASP.NET or DotNetNuke.
IMHO the handler would have as many cons than pro, or even worst; for example, every js file would have been addressed by the unique handler, breaking the easy file organization of each DNN module or ascx control, ...: much work for a small problem.
So I passed to another approach:
why not concentrate all the strings to localize in a js object inside the ascx file?
the Angular.JS app (controller/directive,...) would be kept in a separate pure js file, with the capability to access the variable once on the client's browser.
The solution is composed by:
1) a method to run on load, in a base class of the module (or User control), with a couple of properties override-able in the specialized module class.
protected void LoadResourcesToJavascript()
if (this.ResourceKeysToJavascript.Count() > 0)
System.Text.StringBuilder sb = new System.Text.StringBuilder();
sb.Append("var " + this.ResourceJSVariableName + " = {};\n");
foreach (String s in this.ResourceKeysToJavascript)
sb.Append(this.ResourceJSVariableName + "." + s + "= '" + Localization.GetString(s + ".Text", LocalResourceFile) + "';\n");
Page.ClientScript.RegisterClientScriptBlock(this.GetType(), this.ResourceJSVariableName + "Resources", sb.ToString(), true);
protected virtual List
return new List
protected virtual String ResourceJSVariableName
return this.ID;
Note: I use the DNN method to get the localized string. Change it in case of standard ASP.NET project.
Note: The javascript variable name is the control's ID, but it can be specialized in the inherited module class.
2) in the inherited module / user control specialize the ResourceKeyToJavascript list with the resource string required in the javascript.
protected override List
return new List
3) in javascrpit file use the variable name (ASP.NET control's ID) to access the single resource strings:
var str = CrewMemberCollectionV2View.ConfirmRemoving;
if (confirm(str.replace("{sailingName}", entity.SailingName))) {
//do something
4) last but not least, use the standard resx files to add the required resource strings.